Yr 5-6 English Program

At JP English, we have designed an advanced course that specialises in the Reading and Writing sections of the selective test and scholarship exams. 

Our approach

While JP English is known for our comprehensive teaching method for high school English, we replicate this holistic approach to English and writing for our primary school students. To many students, Reading and Writing are the most difficult sections of the selective test and scholarship exams, and there is the misconception that these sections are subjective and doing well is simply down to luck. However, to truly do well, we know that there is a precise method to excel in both sections. We have the most advanced, up to date course content for primary school English tutoring so that your child is well prepared for the different question types in the selective and scholarship tests. Your child will only be taught by top selective school graduates.

Our Year 5-6 Programs

(1) SeleCtive Trial test (3 hrs weekly)

From Year 5 Term 1 to Year 6 Term 1, we offer weekly selective trial tests that cover the Reading and Writing sections of the selective test. For writing, we provide detailed theory resources on how to craft full mark responses, and for reading, our trial tests contain the most advanced questions so that students are prepared for any level of difficulty on exam day. Our aim is simple, we want to teach the underlying exam technique that is needed to do well in Reading and Writing so that students gain admissions into their target school. This program is now in a computerised format.

Below is the class structure:

(2) Intensive Writing Course (1.5 hrs weekly)

Writing is often the section that distinguishes the best students, and it is also the section that many students have struggled with, which leads to missing out on a spot at your top preferred selective school, or a scholarship at a private school. There is a common belief that this section is very subjective and has an element of luck depending on the question on exam day. However, in this course, our tutors give you insight into our formulaic approach at excelling this section. This writing course from JP English is unique as we will also incorporate advanced writing techniques taught in the high school syllabus and HSC so that your child’s writing truly stands out amongst other Year 6 exam candidates.

Below is the class structure:

“The staff are very friendly and professional, the tutors were very encouraging, understanding and helpful. The lessons are pitched at just the right level for my child. I would definitely refer JP English to my friends and relatives.

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